19 November 2022

urbit setup

development environment for dummies

AJ LaMarc
AJ LaMarc @ajlamarc

Developing on Urbit is easier than it looks. That being said, setting up a local development environment (including a frontend, desk, and gall agent) takes quite a few steps, and documentation for it is scattered. This post aims to be a single source of truth for that process.

Part one: fakezod

Make a directory for urbit files:

~/$ mkdir urbit && cd urbit

Download the latest binary for your operating system. On Linux:

~/urbit$ curl -L https://urbit.org/install/linux64/latest | tar xzk --strip=1 && ./urbit

Download the latest developer pill:

~/urbit$ curl -O https://storage.googleapis.com/media.urbit.org/developers/dev-latest.pill

Boot a new fakezod using the developer pill (this takes a few minutes):

~/urbit$ ./urbit -B dev-latest.pill -F zod
~zod:dojo> |exit

These first steps only need to be done once. We can backup our ship now to make restarting from here easy:

~/urbit$ cp -r zod zod.new

To restore this backup:

~/urbit$ rm -r zod && cp -r zod.new zod && ./urbit zod

Part two: agent and frontend

In this demo, we are going to name our application %hue. Replace any references to hue below with the intended name of your agent / desk / application.

Start by using the create-landscape-app repo to build a starter UI / desk:

~/urbit$ npx @urbit/create-landscape-app --typescript
? What should we call your application? › hue
? What URL do you use to access Urbit? › http://localhost:8080

The URL can be retrieved from Urbit, i.e. after running ./urbit zod, it prints http: web interface live on {URL}.

Now we will configure Dalten’s new agent skeleton to be the desk in our application.

~/urbit$ cd hue/ && git clone https://github.com/dalten-collective/agent-skeleton.git
~/urbit/hue$ rm -r desk && cp -r agent-skeleton desk && rm -r agent-skeleton

If it requests to remove git files, say yes. Likewise:

~/urbit/hue$ cd desk/ && rm -r .git/

Now configure zod to recognize a hue desk:

~zod:dojo> |new-desk %hue
~zod:dojo> |mount %hue
~zod:dojo> |exit

We want our future changes inside /hue/desk to automatically be copied into the desk inside of zod, for ease of testing. Leave this command running in the background:

~/urbit$ watch cp -LR hue/desk/* zod/hue/

One problem is that the skeleton agent is named mine, but we need it to reference hue. Inside of the /hue/desk folder:

  • replace all references to mine with hue: these should be in desk.bill, desk.docket-0, and mine.hoon
  • inside desk.docket-0, remove site+/apps/mine and replace it with glob-http+['https://bootstrap.urbit.org/glob-0v5.hurm4.ejod5.ngg9h.iub9i.n1j7o.glob' 0v5.hurm4.ejod5.ngg9h.iub9i.n1j7o]. Also, add base+'hue'.
  • rename mine.hoon to hue.hoon

These changes will automatically propagate to our zod, thanks to the watch command. Now, let’s get our new Gall agent running:

~zod:dojo> |commit %hue
~zod:dojo> |install our %hue
~zod:dojo> :hue +dbug

You should see a default state [%0 ~] printed as output from the agent. Keeping zod running, start up the frontend:

~/urbit/hue/ui$ npm i && npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000/apps/grid/. When prompted for a password, type +code into the dojo to retrieve it. After signing in, you should now be able to see and open the hue app!

From here, testing changes is relatively easy: frontend changes will be hot-reloaded. For changes on the hoon side, make sure to |commit %hue. To hard restart the Gall agent (useful for state changes):

~zod:dojo> |nuke %hue
~zod:dojo> |rein %hue [& %hue]

Another post will cover final deployment steps onto the Urbit network.

